Empty Elizabeth

In front of something, yet still behind...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

An Open Letter to "Work-Clippers"

Now, I work in a clinical lab. We get our fair share of "gross things". Along with the blood and urine, we get occasional stools, nail clippings, skin scrapings, swabs from all over the body and ginormous amounts of fluid from places where there should be none. Albeit, not as much "gross things" as one would see in a hospital (eg, dead bodies, amputated limbs and all matter of odd injuries through the ED)... but our share.
At least I get paid.

Dear Clippin' Co-worker;
I don't think that the fact that we work in a lab, where all matter of "gross things" can be seen is a good excuse to clip your own nails here. Right over in the next area, where I can still hear it despite the noise of this confoundedly loud centrifuge.
I guess I can see the necessity if you chipped one of your nails, but HELLO! you're over there working in pee-land, directly behind 5, count them! FIVE bathrooms. One of which would work perfectly well for clipping your injured nail, in private. Where I can not hear it!

Thank you that is all,
Your unapreciative co-worker


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