Moving Day!
I am moving, my blog, that is. We have come to no immediate conclusion about the house.
Please update links, etc. See you there!
In front of something, yet still behind...
I am moving, my blog, that is. We have come to no immediate conclusion about the house.
Can I live in an apartment? That was the question posed to me today.
I swear that I will not cut my hair again! Really. Don't you believe me? C'mon, I swear. I swear! I just know that my hair will be beautiful if and when it gets past my shoulders. I meant WHEN! There is no "IF". Because I swore. Remember? Up there, a couple of sentences ago.
Again, to reiterate: I will not cut my hair!! I'm staging and intervention, on myself!
I will have to hide all scissors when I get home.
Found this over at Mrs. Kennedy's.
Find your own pose!
I seriously do not know why it's called the Colon, but I think it is pretty accurate.
Ever since the fascination started, everyone else contributes to it. Cars for Christmas, birthdays, Easter, whatever. The one in the picture he got from my brother Joe's "mommy"(girlfriend). We speculate that SE calls her "his mommy" because all the women we get together with regularly are with men, and usually married with kids, making them and mommy and a daddy. Though I cannot tell you why he doesn't call my sister's boyfriend "her daddy". (It could be because he's know him longer, but what do I know).