Moving Day!
I am moving, my blog, that is. We have come to no immediate conclusion about the house.
Please update links, etc. See you there!
In front of something, yet still behind...
I am moving, my blog, that is. We have come to no immediate conclusion about the house.
Can I live in an apartment? That was the question posed to me today.
I swear that I will not cut my hair again! Really. Don't you believe me? C'mon, I swear. I swear! I just know that my hair will be beautiful if and when it gets past my shoulders. I meant WHEN! There is no "IF". Because I swore. Remember? Up there, a couple of sentences ago.
Again, to reiterate: I will not cut my hair!! I'm staging and intervention, on myself!
I will have to hide all scissors when I get home.
Found this over at Mrs. Kennedy's.
Find your own pose!
I seriously do not know why it's called the Colon, but I think it is pretty accurate.
Ever since the fascination started, everyone else contributes to it. Cars for Christmas, birthdays, Easter, whatever. The one in the picture he got from my brother Joe's "mommy"(girlfriend). We speculate that SE calls her "his mommy" because all the women we get together with regularly are with men, and usually married with kids, making them and mommy and a daddy. Though I cannot tell you why he doesn't call my sister's boyfriend "her daddy". (It could be because he's know him longer, but what do I know).
Is eugenics impending? The slippery, or maybe just slightly wet, slope leading there is discussed in a article.
As for Leather's assurance that PGD "can still only be used for a minority of
people if there is a clear history of cancer across generations of a family,"
why should anyone respect that line? Once genetic testing becomes cheap and
universal, why shouldn't anyone who finds out she has a cancer gene be able to
test her embryos for it?
My parents recently babysat for 4 whole days. The next week, my mom sent me a little email with an observation I had to share:
"You know you've been around your grandkids too long when you go to take off your tennis shoes and realize you double tied the laces."
Thank you, Mom (and Dad), for watching the kids! We appreciate it so much!
My husband and I were watching TV the other day and I happened across Austin City Limits. The Killers were playing. Then a band called Spoon came on. I enjoyed them very much.
this is not a black and white world / to be alive i say the
colors must swirl / and i believethat maybe today / we will all get to
appreciate /
the beauty of grayToday, a nice little list:
- Got new work shoes. They're a half size to small, but I could not find anything in my size, nor in the color that I wanted in any other shoe! Grrr... Kohls.
- Finally printed out pictures from my trip to Kentucky back in November. I even set up the printer all by myself. FB must be proud.
- SE has been "super" difficult yesterday and today. Just crazy nuts, not listening, being crabby, whiney, rude and mean.
- Got Bodukon via Netflix. T and I did it once the other day. 20 minutes of yoga and then about 10 of the karate-type stuff. I liked it, but we haven't really felt like exercising since. SE's attitude takes a lot out of one.
- Watched Elizabethtown over Easter weekend, since I was by myself. Not what I was expecting! I liked it. That is all I remember.
- Watched Proof the other night with T. It was good. Reminded me a little of what I was like before going on the medicine. Though, I don't think I was ever that bad. I would like to watch it again. Gwyneth Paltrow did a really good job playing her character. And Jake Gyllenhal wasn't so bad, though I don't see why people think he is hot, or whatever. Anthony Hopkins also did a good job. Not once did I think of Silence of the Lambs. And that, Clarice, is a good thing.
I've been meaning to post a link to My Heritage that I found via Rockstar Mommy last week or something. Then I was visiting Mary Beth's site, and she had done it too (check it out! she has pictures). So that prompted me to actually try it out and do the post I've been planning on.
Today was a pretty good day. I think I did too much television watching, though. But, to my credit, I stopped watching before Mad About You came on at 12:30. (I love Mad About You).
I've been across the internet and back and I've found this "meme" (whatever that is... oh, wait. click on the title and find out. wow.) everywhere. This one I actually got by email from my friend Amanda (Hi Amanda!). Enjoy.