I've been all over the internet and all I found was this silly meme
I've been across the internet and back and I've found this "meme" (whatever that is... oh, wait. click on the title and find out. wow.) everywhere. This one I actually got by email from my friend Amanda (Hi Amanda!). Enjoy.
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Reference Page at the local library
2. Circulation and Stacks employee at college library
3. Soil, plant, water and feed tester (I don't think I had a title there) at a little lab in Oshkosh
4. MT at a large hospital
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. When a Man Loves a Woman
2. Emma (with Gwyneth Paltrow
3. Jurassic Park (it's Knee Socks!)
4. White Christmas
Four places you have lived:
1. Fond du Lac
2. Oshkosh
3. Waukesha
4. New Berlin
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Grays' Anatomy
2. What I Like About You
3. NOVA Science Now (in HD!)
4. TOH
Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Mexico, in high school
2. Cinncinnati, OH (3EB, baby!)
3. Key West
4. Fort Knox, KY, to see my little (ha! he's 22) brother graduate from basic
Four places you WOULD LIKE TO GO on vacation someday:
1. Italy
2. Canada
3. Boston
4. Maldives
Four websites I visit daily
1. Go Fug Yourself
2. various blogs (see list on your left)
3. work intranet (woo, exciting)
4. yahoo!
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Dark chocolate
2. Home-made macaroni and cheese
3. Tomato soup and grilled cheese
4. Green beans
Four of my favorite drinks:
1. Good Earth Original tea
2. Black cherry vanilla Coke(diet)
3. White Reisling
4. Water
Four pets you have had or want to have someday:
1. Muffin Marie (cat)
2. Alex/Ally (cat)
3. Rocket (fish who was eventually eaten by one of my sister's fish)
4. Baxter (cat)
Four Friends that I have tagged that I think will respond
1. Hmmm...
2. Could
3. Be
4. Anyone!